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It's quite simple really.
The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing
Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.
Marcus Aurelius
Nearly all our ills are the result of neglect in some way or other. And this truth may be said to apply to the ills of nations as well. Negligence is at the bottom of all decay. And decay always starts by showing little signs-or warnings. Then is the time to show interest and to be alert. There is nothing quite so easy as to neglect, and nothing quite so difficult as to repair that negligence. Negligence always carries a high price. It costs nothing to avoid it!
George Matthew Adams
That loss is most discreditable which is caused by negligence.
Seneca the Younger
Wisdom cries out in the streets, and no man regards it.
William Shakespeare
Through all of the unjustifiable actions of tyrants that have shaped the world we exist in today, our forebears and those alive today have chosen comfortable slavery over difficult freedom. All alive today in the union have inherited an empty promise, and have participated in the willful ignorance that perpetuates the lie. All because it is more comfortable to ignore the villainy than to confront it.
The wisdom of ages, that wisdom crying in the streets, is disregarded for the increasingly transparent delusion. The fundamental conditions that support a healthy society are demolished, shattered by the wrecking ball of satanistic globalism. Even alone, people are under constant threat and distress of social, financial, or legal collapse. And we are the most individualistic and lonely culture to ever have existed. Men and women are in a war of attrition against each other where the winner is the loser and the loser is the loser. Children are disregarded and thrown in indoctrination camps so mom can work a soul crushing 9-5, and double down on tax revenues for the empire. Men have lost interest in trying.
People often observe events without historical context or any context other than what is fed to them because they have difficulty finding two brain cells to rub together. Rather than understanding, these average people choose to parrot the opinions of those that conform to their faction or social group.
By this extreme negligence and stupidity, the people of the several States of the union have surrendered their sovereignty as a collective. They have willfully participated in enforcing or abiding by the grotesque agendas of the globalist parasites. They have birthed a communist state in this land, if not by direct consent, at least tacitly. Instead of claiming their position and defending it to the death, as any free man must to maintain his freedom and that of his house, they bent over and allowed the private and evil institutions to rape them and their families.
I have heard people say, “not all cops are bad.” My response…
And “Fuck all the volunteers who violently enforce unjust mandates on their neighbors and families.” Cops are pathetic and deserve to face the consequences of their service to the most heinous and inhuman entities to ever exist.
The general populace has been defeated. So docile and ineffectual are they, that to even consider taking direct violent action against an evil, false, and tyrannical government is unthinkable. Even to defend millions from harm, they will just say, “there must be a peaceful way,” or “Gandhi did it peacefully.” what they forget, or more likely, never discovered because they don't think to research for themselves, is the extreme depravities exacted upon the peaceful resistors in India. Would they be able to sit arm in arm with others while police break in the skulls of those around them and choose to remain and die in peaceful resistance. I don't think so. I think the peaceful wannabees of the United States are just cowards.
Too cowardly to fight and too arrogant to admit they are actually slaves. Willful slaves.
But this isn't simply “mental slavery”. It is legal slavery. The subversion of the government formed to serve as the confederate center of the union of the several States (Nations), and the formation of the corporate United States “National” government, which now dictates to the sovereign States and the sovereign people. The depth of the corruption and the villainy is beyond the capability for the dumbed down average people to even begin to comprehend, which is why millions and millions of people still vote, despite knowing the voting machines are manipulated, and knowing that presidents aren't elected by popular vote but by the electoral college. Knowing this, they will still wear “Did you Vote” buttons and defend the “democracy” until they are blue in the face.
How could I make it any clearer?
At Anarchopulco, in Acapulco, Mexico, in 2016 or 2017, a man did a talk about a website he had built and which existed on a blockchain. This site accepted anonymous payments into accounts associated with different politicians names. The idea was, that if enough money was sent to any account, assassins would come to collect. Upon providing proof of assassination, the money would be released to the assassin.
That was a really forward thinking idea. Can't remember your name brother, but great job in solutions-oriented thinking and acting. Too bad it didn't get anywhere. Again, I think the website suffered from being too direct and aggressive amidst a very weak, diffusive, and cowardly population.
Someone please prove me wrong. Better yet, many people prove me wrong. Get out and get busy. There is so much that can be done.
When they came for the family unit, they fomented division between the sexes (feminism). We allowed it to happen.
When they came for our money, they created panics (depressions). We allowed them to do this.
When they came for our ability to defend ourselves, they sent disturbed people to public places to kill people and create emotional chaos and irrational fear. We let them.
When they came for our sexual identity, they came for our children through indoctrination camps and Disney cartoons. We said, “its not that bad.”
When they came for our intelligence, they altered the vocabulary and narrowed acceptable education. We turned a blind eye.
When they came for our souls, they sacrificed the innocent in the public square. AND NOBODY FUCKING CARED!
Only enough to wear an Epstein client list t-shirt, or to post in ridiculously censored social media, but not enough for a righteous bloodletting of the criminals responsible.
Someday, we will all face judgement for this negligence. Not at the gates of Peter, but here on earth with the overt slavery that our children will have to suffer.
People always wait too long. They wait until things have gotten utterly out of control to take action….
…Except for some people. The Whigs in 1775 didn't wait for the genocide. They were prepared and righteous. They lived in principle and in proper relation to the World. Many others around the world did not wait. Some died in the attempt, but their blood was spilt in honorable action.
I would die in bliss in battle where freedom was my standard and goal, and the thugs of the globalist parasites, numbered as sand on a beach, arrayed against me.
When will enough be enough?
I think many will be there soon.
Stay Vigilant Freedom Fighters!
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I love this!!
My name is Cory Endrulat, I am 23 years old, for which I started researching when I was 13. My journey started in health, with nutrition and reading ingredients; from there, it was only inevitable that I ran into the corruption involved within the health industry. I found myself getting into politics when I was 16, a major Trump supporter at the time, especially since the high energy came to my generation, and the independent media was also rather supportive of him. All my life I held nature core to my reasoning, and thus over time, I realized politics was no longer where the focus should be, and the healing that takes place within each individual with nutrition, can be applied to the world when we heal the minds of the masses (Hermetic principle of Mentalism). From healing and freeing the minds, comes healing everything else naturally. As I started to produce content, I got involved with Mark Passio (de-occultist) and his community, now part of One Great Work Network, I also started real-life events in many places. For instance, I hold monthly events in Tarpon Springs, Florida (here is an example of one we did on hypnosis and mind control: ). Producing several books and documentaries, then summits with over 50+ speakers including Derrick Broze, David Icke and others, I came across your work. I also have many resources on action, if you want me to share. Here are some key points of interest that may benefit your work:
- How we can solve most if not ALL of the world's biggest problems (War, Political Corruption, Scarcity, World Hunger, Food Insecurity, Mental Illness, Cancer, Heart Disease, Infertility, Environmental Pollution and Deforestation, Poverty and Unemployment, Mass Extinction, Tyranny, The Rise of Artificial Intelligence) through Permaculture Food Forests (the science of working with nature to best grow food with lowest effort, highest yield) . Look up Jim Gale and Food Forest Abundance. We grow food instead of lawns, and we reach out to influencers to make this happen on a mass scale, and we become free in so many ways, it's very simple and powerful. Jim has 50 acres in Central FL, totally off-grid. I'm in touch with him. Here is a quick video I did on him: and here is a great interview he did with Del Bigtree: More info: and a powerful video I did as well: Check out this video I did on the Earth Council, which Jim created, featuring many world leading doctors, scientists and content creators on freedom and self-sustainability:
- How slavery still exists, and by our own consent. How mental slavery is the most dangerous and how "political slavery" as said by previous historical Abolitionists, is at the root to ALL slavery. This is why I call myself an Abolitionist. This is detailed in my summit and also my rendition of my Slavery Gone For Good book which features 400+ pages of quotes on psychology, philosophy, former slaves and 19th century Abolitionists. Similarly, how 19th century Abolitionists (and Quakers before them) and their "nonresistance" would influence writers like Leo Tolstoy (known as one of the greatest authors of all time), who would then directly influence Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. in their acts of "civil disobedience." More info on this: I am willing to provide this book to you for free, digital or in-person paperback.
- How "statism" is the "most dangerous superstition" as detailed by Larken Rose, it's knowledge contributes to "the end of all evil" as said by Jeremey Locke (unknown author) and "the one true divide" as said by Mark Passio (his best work is his "Natural Law: The Real Law of Attraction" seminar, he escaped the Church of Satanism). Inversely, the solution of "voluntaryism" as affirmed by psychology, the idea that we can live in a voluntary world (a world based in consent), to end all political slavery and divide, morality and the golden rule without contradiction. As in medicine, we must get to the root cause, without symptom management and distraction. I have made many charts on this subject (such as The Statist Criterion, which also details Shadow Work and Socratic Methods), and have shown this knowledge to be the ONLY true solution to the "controversial" Dr. Stanley Milgram experiments. I also hold many huge projects for everyone to contribute to this education, including medical projects which focus on the science of it which hasn't been done (with ex-scientologists and others in the field who see left-brain imbalance, among other concerns; anyone from the medical community may join this or critique our work, we've gathered research material over the years). I've also developed AI chat-bots to challenge an individual's worldview using questions, and quizzes as well. (This ties into the slavery issue) Learn more here:
- How the Ancient Chinese (through the philosophy of Taoism) were the FIRST to discuss profound liberty and spiritual ideas in action, and openly rebel against dogmatic systems. There are also a number of different philosophers we never learn about in history, with very profound writings like Lysander Spooner. Dr. Carl Jung was fascinated by Taoism and the I-Ching, as it has strong correlates to psychology. I'm also willing to provide this book for free. Taoism emphasized a connection to nature (much like Stoicism which is growing in popularity), and most people in the West don't know about it, despite it being closely connected with Feng Shui, Qigong, Tai-Chi, TCM, etc.
Thanks to all your work, I hope this may assist, please feel free to reach out. I'm open to ideas. I have many projects not shared here. It is my goal to effect change in the world.
Cory Edmund Endrulat, All My Links:
Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, 7-Time Author, Organizer, Content Creator, The Liberator 2 News Editor
The more I see the more I agree. I've got plans to build outside of the state and just wait for it to collapse. I want a national divorce to pushed for meaningfully before resorting to other tactics. Probably a pipedream as tyrants don't just step down.