Owning the World (Vanguard, Blackrock, Statestreet)
How It's done, Who's Behind It, and Where It Leads
Between three investment corporations, BlackRock, Inc., The Vanguard Group, and State Street Corporation the ownership portfolio includes top investment shares in GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, Novartis, Abbott, Merck, BioNTech, Bayer Pharmaceuticals, AstraZeneca, Time Warner, Comcast, Disney and News Corp. (90% of the U.S. media landscape), The New York Times, Reuters, Google (inc. YouTube and Android), Facebook (inc. Instagram and WhatsApp), Twitter, Apple, Microsoft (inc. XBOX and Bing), Skyscanner (inc. Trip.com and Expedia), Airbnb, Amazon, eBay, Alibaba Group, BP, Shell, Exxon, Total, Glencore, BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, China Shenhua Energy, Anglo American plc, John Deere, Cargill, Phillip Morris, R.J. Reynolds Tobacco, Ford, GM, Toyota, Volkswagen, Samsung, Dell, Philips, Sony, Mastercard, Visa, Western Union, PayPal, American Express, Viacom, JP Morgan Chase & Co., Bank Of America, Goldman Sachs, Barclays, Wells Fargo, BBVA, Vodafone, McDonalds, PepsiCo, Coca Cola, Netflix, ATT, Tesla, FedEx, American Airlines, and United Airlines. This is a small and incomplete list of the ownership portfolio of these three corporations.
Interestingly, these three companies have made mainstream media on regular occasions, but not so surprisingly, there was never a moment of real perspective given on what these companies activities actually mean for not just the United States of America, but for the world.
The method of ownership for these companies is different than what is normally considered ownership. It is based on how a seemingly small share percentage could afford true and total ownership of a corporation, and it all starts with circular ownership.
Circular Ownership is “a particular method to structure business entity ownership. Here, two or more entities in a legal structure part-own each other, ultimately resulting in a “circular” nature to the ownership structure. Furthermore, one or more of these entities may be owned and controlled by an individual, who, on the surface, appears to hold a low or minority percentage that would not meet ownership thresholds requiring disclosure or due diligence investigation, when in actuality that low percentage ownership belies actual control indirectly. By setting up a circular ownership structure, companies are able to mask true ownership and control through various and sometimes complex ownership loops. Circular ownership structures may take several different forms. For example, in some structures, all direct and indirect owners are inside a singular ownership circle… The primary subject entity is both the 100% owner of its ultimate parent entity and of its parent entity, in other words, the subject owns itself. This closed-circle structure makes it impossible to identify the beneficial owners of any entities within the circle (First Diagram)… Another example of circular ownership is an open-circle structure where one or more beneficial owners are external to the ownership loop and appear to own a low percentage of shares, while in reality, these individuals may ultimately own a larger percentage of the entity. Below is a simplified example, where the sole individual in the structure ultimately owns 100% of the entities, even though it appears she only owns 3 percent. The result is that while she falls under any thresholds requiring due diligence or beneficial ownership reporting, in actuality, she is 100% the owner of all involved entities (Second Diagram)… The result of utilizing either of these circular ownership structures can be that the ultimate natural person owner(s) are masked through this complexity.” - Steele Global, Exploring Circular Ownership in Compliance Investigations
The exact shares owned by any entities are consistently shifting, so it is not particularly useful to pinpoint them exactly, but The Vanguard Group institutionally owned (in BlackRock, as reported in only the top 10 holders) 12,175,676 shares at a value of $10,211,252,434 on September 29th, 2021, and in various mutual funds 8,354,989 shares valued at $14,323,663,348 reported between August 30th and September 29th, 2021. This is a total of roughly $24.5 billion invested in BlackRock, Inc., which yet amounts to a total share percentage under reporting requirements for beneficial ownership.
BlackRock has similar ownership of Vanguard, and each has this same model of ownership of thousands of major corporations in every industry, making the beneficial owners of The Vanguard Group the most powerful collaborative group in the world. The model of circular ownership, intermixed with the use of trusts wrapped in foundations, wrapped in for profit corporations wrapped in trusts, with funds moving in and out of numbered accounts in places like Malta, and so on, makes the discovery of the beneficial owners of The Vanguard Group and other corporations, particularly challenging.
State Street Corporation is an American financial services and bank holding company…with operations worldwide. It is the second oldest continually operating United States bank… State Street is ranked 15th on the list of largest banks in the United States by assets. It is one of the largest asset management companies in the world with US$3.9 trillion under management and US$43.3 trillion under custody and administration.
And who owns State Street? The same owners of Vanguard and BlackRock is who. The question that must be answered, and quickly, by the people of the United States of America and of the world, is whether all of the wealth of this world will be allowed to leave them for the acquisition of total monopolized control of the world by the small group of plutocrats, robber-barons, authoritarians, moneychangers, and psychopaths that work every day to bleed them dry of all sovereignty, resource and wellbeing.
“BlackRock and Vanguard form a secret monopoly that own just about everything else you can think of too. In all, they have ownership in 1,600 American firms, which in 2015 had combined revenues of $9.1 trillion. Bloomberg reported that these companies will exceed $20 trillion by 2028, potentially matching or exceeding the GDP of the nation, and having monopoly ownership of nearly every industry. When you add in the third-largest global owner, State Street, their current combined ownership encompasses nearly 90% of all S&P 500 firms. Vanguard is the largest shareholder of BlackRock. Vanguard itself, on the other hand, has a unique structure that makes its ownership more difficult to discern, but many of the oldest, richest families in the world can be linked to Vanguard funds… The elite who own Vanguard apparently do not like being in the spotlight but of course they cannot hide from who is willing to dig. Reports from Oxfam and Bloomberg say that 1% of the world, together owns more money than the other 99%. Even worse, Oxfam says that 82% of all earned money in 2017 went to this 1%... In other words, these two investment companies, Vanguard and BlackRock hold a monopoly in all industries in the world and they, in turn are owned by the richest families in the world, some of whom are royalty and who have been very rich since before the Industrial Revolution.” -Joseph Mercola, 2021
Gross National Income is often a more proper indicator of financial wellbeing of a group than GDP. The US GNI in 2020 was $21.3 Trillion USD ($24 Trillion USD by Sep. 30, 2021) while the entire world GNI in 2020 was $84.7 Trillion USD. This means that the United States makes up a full quarter (25%) of GNI of the entire world, despite having only 4.25% of the global population. The next two nations are China at $14.6 Trillion USD and Japan at $5.1 Trillion USD. Together, these three nations, with 1.85 billion people (23% of global population) account for 41% of the global GNI. This means the shareholders of The Vanguard Group, amidst their collaborators for total monopoly, have as much wealth, that can be tracked, as the GNI of the United States, equal to 25% of the global GNI. That, my friends, is insane.
The World Economic Forum, founded by Klaus Schwab in 1971, openly confesses its ultimate goals are to bring about a centralized global governance and economy, controlled by a select group of institutions and individuals. The “Great Reset” to “Build Back Better”, is a WEF program intended to bring about the vast wealth and power transfer from the people of the world to a ridiculously small group of controllers. It is succeeding.
Larry Fink is the Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Blackrock, who’s multinational investment management corporation is soon to be the largest financial entity in the world. Its total assets are greater than that of the Federal Reserve. Larry Fink created and popularized Mortgage-Backed Securities trading, which led to the 2008 economic collapse. Interestingly, he was the one who was called upon by the U.S. Government and the Federal Reserve to advise on what actions they ought to take to correct the depression. Fink’s answer resulted in the government guaranteeing the commercial money-market funds, thus bailing out the largest financial institutions in the United States at the expense of the taxpayer and dishing out huge bonuses to already extremely wealthy executives, who were tremendously responsible and culpable for the economic collapse due to their dealings in dangerously high-risk assets. Its no surprise that Fink also sits on the board of the WEF and the Council on Foreign Relations.
“Along with Lew Ranieri, of Salomon Brothers, he (Larry Fink) would be credited with developing the multi-trillion-dollar debt-securitization market that transformed the face of finance. By 2008 this market—of mortgages, and car and credit-card loans, purchased from banks, sliced into pieces, repackaged, and sold to thousands of investors—would help bring the economy to its knees. But long before it spiraled out of control, it was considered an incredible innovation. Looking back, Fink says, ‘We were able to narrow the cost of housing in America.’ Recalling how “rewarding” it felt ‘going to Washington to talk with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac about mortgage opportunities,’ he says, ‘even in my 20s, I felt there was an enormity to what we were doing to help.’” – Suzanne Andrews, Vanity Fair
So, while the dark knight of the plutocracy, Larry Fink, was coordinating the wealth transfer of 2008 and beyond, the shareholders of The Vanguard Group, the owners of BlackRock, were enjoying the show and their accrescent portfolios.
Blackrock is the Venus of globalist wet dreams. They haven’t only created a global monopoly that has no sign of slowing down, but have also progressed the technocratic takeover as, starting as early as 1993, Aladdin, the "asset, liability, debt and derivative investment network" was created as a way to generate analysis from data and remove the labor of manual evaluation. As computing abilities have advanced, and especially with the advent of AI technology, Blackrock has become the headquarters of global financial analysis. It rents its datacenters out to other companies and rakes in profits in that way as well as through its innumerable holdings. 5 years ago, Blackrock overtly declared its intention to advance its AI control over analysis and trades. In that time, we have seen the commonplace AI advance by leagues, and one must contemplate on just how far these mega-monopolies, with trillions in assets and unquestionable global authority, have come with super computing capabilities and computing power that is likely unchallenged in the financial world.
“The real menace of our republic is the invisible government, which, like a giant octopus, spawls it’s slimy length over our city, state and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as ‘international bankers.’ This little coterie of powerful international bankers virtually run our government for their own selfish ends.” - John F. Hylan, NYC Mayor, Mar. 26, 1922
The Bilderbergers, in their literature, state their policy as avoidance of direct involvement in actions they agree upon. Instead, they choose to project influence onto others who then steer the project toward the outlined goal.
The public is fed the lie that parties or other political figures or entities, governments, nations, corporations, and public figures of all types, are conflicting and that these people’s differences are important, carry weight, and give them choice. The fact is that this is entirely manufactured. The differences and conflicts are made to distract from the perpetually active agenda of the global government proponents and organizations.
The Hegelian Dialectic describes the method used to distract, manipulate, and control societies. It is the process of problem-reaction-solution, or in other words, it is when government uses a false flag event to generate chaos, responds to the supposed “attack” with a proposal to resolve the matter if only people give it more power over them, then resolves the supposed attack, while in actuality it is simply stripping away the sovereignty of the people of the world piecemeal. The method used most often is the manufacture of a crisis (whether real or imaginary), and then using the premade and exclusive solution to that problem as an axe over the heads of the target people and nations, a threat against which those nations are then forced to accede, and which then binds otherwise uninterested nations together in common purpose, against a global threat, economic, political, terrorist, or medical in nature.
“The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson” – Franklin D. Roosevelt, Nov. 21, 1933
It takes a non-static society to exceed the boundaries of its day. A static society is one that is controlled.
“A growing, competitive, and free society gives new people a chance to make their fortune and replace some of those already at the top. So, legislation is promoted to restrict entrepreneurial effort and tax away capital accumulations not protected in the tax-free foundations of the Establishment insiders. Every effort is made to press a medium-sized business to the wall and allow it to be swallowed up by the Establishment giants.” -Gary Allen, None Dare Call it Conspiracy.
It is a profitable, abundantly successful, and expanding middle class that leads to revolutions. It is not the destitute that drive revolutions, but the ambitious, hopeful, and successful, who see their potential as being limited by current regulations or boundaries, and have the strength in spirit, the education, and the communal integrity and trust to take action to defy them. This is why lockdowns occurred and why the plandemic was manufactured. It was to destroy the class of society that includes the hopeful, the energetic, the independent, and those that threaten the monopolist’s position. It is these people and this part of our society that were attacked the last 3 years.
Over the last century, nearly all media sources with any significant reach, and even those that don’t, have been acquired by the ever-growing umbrella companies that dominate the planet. From Rupert Murdoch’s, Fox network to Disney Corp., all the media is owned by one group of collaborators, who all can be identified by reading the member lists of the Bilderberg meetings, the CFR, and the Trilateral Commission, or more obviously, those owned by Blackrock, Vanguard, and State Street. We can conclude very simply and obviously that any media on the radio and television, and most provided on major internet outlets are controlled and dictated to by this exceedingly small group of conspirators that proclaim themselves privately and publicly as the owners of the earth.
Globalists, following the along the ideological lines and reasonings of Zbigniew Brzezinski, are motivated out of a desire to control humanity within a general expectation of how humanity is organically evolving and adapting to technological advances that are fundamentally altering their experience of life. They see it as their duty to manage the affairs of humanity as they have either inherited or acquired authority, power, wealth, or influence, by which they can dictate or suggest the course humanity must take. These self-appointed and continuously reaffirmed controllers and managers of humanity are encouraged to believe and act on their belief that what they support is for the good of the world as they are consistently rewarded with supporting masses of people. It does not concern them that some die, or even if most die, because it is relatively relegated to intellectual and self-preserving consideration rather than empathetic or humanistic considerations. The globalist policies, actions, and organizations are all aimed at producing the highest benefit to that social group, and lesser degree, the members of the population that enforce and maintain their control, at the detriment of all others.
These people’s number one fear is “organized resistance” and “Voluntary Association of Free People.” Individual liberty is their enemy, which is why the attack on the Constitution is never-ending. The ability for their goals for a one world government to succeed relies heavily on the orchestrated ignorance and disbelief of the general population. The goals are to eradicate national identity, centralize control, eliminate general prosperity, maintain a constant state of duress to increase apathy and decrease drive, centralize education, empower the United Nations to the degree of total world governance, creation of a conglomerated western trading bloc, Expand NATO into all corners, emplace the International Court of Justice as the sole legal system for the world, monopolize violence and illegalize production and ownership of weapons, and enforce a socialist welfare state (Presidential Decision Directive No. 25 and Department of State Publication 7277).
Now, we are seeing the ignorance of the people who tear away at their own protections against those who would enslave them and make their lives a torture, an apathetic quagmire, in which all meaning turns pale, God in any form is replaced by the state in its one form, and the world is owned, and the fist tightened to the point of strangulation. The measure of the soul of humanity is in its ability to rise above these encroachments upon its ultimate liberation. We are not animals, but divine creators. We are beings with choice. Currently, collectively, We the People are choosing apocalypse. Perhaps that is what is needed, but I do not think so. I think it is simply the awareness of the horrors, which requires empathy, that makes it possible for humanity to avoid the peril. But that’s just me. It is up to you what you will do.
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