Nothing is as disgusting as a man who adores, idolizes, and willfully serves a tyrant. Unfortunately, our current society is composed of a large quantity of these obsequious fools. They fight over which slave-master is the best at herding them around inside their fences. They debate the semantics of political ideology from predetermined assumptions of truth. They ignore all the ugliness of their chosen master, and throw stones at whoever "the other side” has chosen to be their master.
Without a glimmer of hope or redemption, these people continue to honor and defend these globalist plutocratic parasites. They praise the politicians and pray to them in the voting booth, but only the prayers they are allowed to pray. “Please save me from the enemy you told me exists.” “Please don’t cause me harm by mandating new laws that I will obey.” “Please give me everything I want because I cannot manage my life for myself.”
Men are an endangered species. Womb-men (women) are an endangered species. Instead all are homogonized into the Borg, which turns out, as all you trekkies will know, has a central authority. The Borg Queen. Well, what'ya know. They all want what they want, even, and sometimes especially, if it is not what their supposed enemies on “the other side” want.
Statism is a game of choosing masters. You pray to them and beg them not to damage your life. They do whatever the hell they want. Life continues in drudgery and apathy and fear.
Authority itself breeds unfounded respect. It is a known fact that a leader directly influences the character of their followers whether they be a politician or a guru or a CEO of a successful business. If the leader is psychopathic, the followers will tend toward psycopathy. If the leader is the Buddha, the followers will tend toward awareness. If the leader is ignorant, the followers will willfully blind themselves.
One doesn’t have to be truly gifted in leadership, only in stageacting. Especially when there is an army of servants around to do all the real work. But this doesn’t matter to the statist. Truth is not worthy to a statist. The only reality they will accept is what their leader defined and declared. Everything else is a conspiracy or treason. “Pay your taxes you unpatriotic leach, my master works hard for your money!”
It is my understanding that we live in a time of incredible expansion of consciousness/awareness and simultaneously in a time of the most perverse willful ignorance, which is worse by far than simply to not know something.
It is truly a spectacle.
Some rise and some fall.
Rise up.
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Liberty Uncensored is a free, community-driven, freedom-oriented newsprint. In a world where 6 corporations control most of the media, and the algorithms keep people from seeing anything they’re not already looking for, it seems ever more clear that means to get Truth to the un-initiated masses is ever more important. Liberty Uncensored is one of those means, a physical & digital newspaper, with the physical version being delivered door-to-door, for free, to a growing number of communities. Launched just months ago, LUNP is already distributing physical papers to thousands, with more than 30 brick & mortar locations.
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It doesn't make sense that having repeatedly witnessed time after time, the fruitless resulting outcomes of selection by private corporations to which through registration you attorn (to turn over; to transfer to assign to some particular use or service. To consent to transfer of rent or reversion. To agree to become tenant to one as owner...) repeatedly duping the repeatably dupable to believe in the presumption of representation by by another. No one can represent another, they can't represent themselves. Just like those allowing or rather begging to be deceived one can only present ones self.
It seems to me that people are in a trance. Potentially H. Loos patent no. US 6506,148 B2 patent date Jan. 14, 2003 Nervous System Manipulation by Electromagnetic Fields from Monitors
We are in a loop, very much like The Truman Show, "we accept the reality with which we are presented".
Most people aren't aware that they graduated from school under Admiralty Maritime jurisdiction. The symbols of the gold fringe flags were and continue to be present, it is not incumbent upon them to make you aware. And that the "world " exist entirely under the UCC Uniform commercial code which is commercial law that in 1930 (Geneva Convention) superseded common law and legislated law. All corporations have adopted the UCC. Shorty after Kennedy's death.
Check your library for their codified titles to find their adopted presentment of the UCC. Though we graduated under the admiralty Maritime jurisdiction, we were not meant to know about it, much less how to navigate within it.
All communications are offers to contract, we were not taught that either. It is this lack of understanding that escalates the agendas (offers to contract). Regardless of the source of the verbiage, klaus, gates etc. You ascend into the offer through what is called an adhesion contract, it does not require consideration be offered. Nor does it require that you be aware of your ascent. These agreements are created through our silence which is recognized as a response. It is considered a dishonorable response, but a response nonetheless. None of this is legal advise, nor is it advising any act. You accept and assume all responsibility for yourself in any conduct you may precipitate. All rights reserved without prejudice. UCC1-207/UCC1-308 UCC1-103