The Warriors of the Rainbow Lodge was founded, technically, in 2017. I, Corey Haag, am it’s founder.
After seeking unsuccessfully for people and projects that fulfilled all of my aspirations, I chose to build that which I envisioned. My aspirations included a solid community, where people are accountable, responsible, and trustworthy. Where Members of the community are active, collaborative and focused upon the projects and activities that will most enhance their lives and the lives of all those around them. I wanted to see communal spaces develop in which our people might find safety, relaxation, enjoyable activities, both leisurely and sporting, and where we wouldcollaborate, plan, organize, and execute projects extending into business ventures, charitable events, activism and direct action and more. I wanted to see Members able to travel the world, knowing that anywhere they might go, there would be a Chapter, with trustworthy and helpful and like-minded people there to welcome them. I wanted to see the manifestation of the Whirling Rainbow Prophecy.
In 2017, I put together a small team to build this idea out. After just a couple of months, and innumerable meetings and think tanks, we developed our bylaws. These bylaws are the rules and methods and mission statement of the Lodge. While our bylaws are not open to the public, I will share a few points that define key characteristics of the Lodge.
The WOR Lodge is a Social Club. That means we are exclusive to our Members and not open to the public. We are funded by our Members alone, through dues paid monthly, annually, or lifetime. Members can invite guests to our clubhouses, but we do not advertise ourselves to the public.
Our Mission:
There are 5 requirements to become a Member, and remain a Member of the Lodge:
Pay your Dues, on time, in full.
Participate in Lodge activities and functions regularly and when needed.
Abide by the NAP, the Non-Aggression Principle.
Assist fellow Members when they are in need.
Abide by the Bylaws.
While we have different levels of Membership, the only true Members of the Lodge are Full/Patched Members. These are our Members who may vote, become Officers, form new Chapters, and recieve all of the benefits of Membership, including full access to all of our locations and spaces.
Before one can become a Member of the Lodge, one must Prospect. This is a flexible process, though there is a minimum period of 3 months to Prospecting. A Prospects primary mission is to earn the trust of all of the Full/Patched Members, as it takes 100% consensus to Patch new Members. If a Prospect fails to gain the trust of even a single Patch Member, they will remain a Prospect until that changes. There is no hazing, but it is up to each Prospect to determine the best way to earn the trust of the Full Members, and to earn the rewards that come with that.
To date, the Lodge has gone through two iterations, with upwards of 30 Members, both of which were unsuccessful at forging the core team that can build a successful club. I have seen people showing interest in becoming part of the team because of romantic interests in other team Members. I have seen petty disputes, willful obstruction of our progress, negligence, lackadaisical attitudes and behaviors, lack of initiative and motivation, and many other less than beneficial things in teams. It is one thing to err as all humans do, and another thing altogether to be a burden upon a communal project. That’s like someone trying to lift a beam, but someone comes along and sits on it.
And so, the Lodge is entering its 3rd iteration, learning from the past mistakes, building upon past successes, and looking for those special people that can help build a movement, a Prophecy, a family.
Our next step is to lease or buy our first Clubhouse, anywhere in the Continental USA, and prove our worth and the value of the model. We have lots of support in other ways, but we need those who will step forth as leaders and founders. Is that you?
Are you interested in learning more but the Lodge?
Take our compatibility test to see if our club is right for you.
If it is, we will invite you to join our discussions.
About Liberty Uncensored Newspaper
Liberty Uncensored is a free, community-driven, freedom-oriented newsprint. In a world where 6 corporations control most of the media, and the algorithms keep people from seeing anything they’re not already looking for, it seems ever more clear that means to get Truth to the un-initiated masses is ever more important. Liberty Uncensored is one of those means, a physical & digital newspaper, with the physical version being delivered door-to-door, for free, to a growing number of communities. Launched just months ago, LUNP is already distributing physical papers to thousands, with more than 30 brick & mortar locations.
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