Apr 30·edited May 1Liked by Liberty Uncensored Newspaper

My first thought is, all war is "uncivil"..but given that we live in an (hopefully outgoing) extension of roman civilization -I guess "civil war" still applies. I think your scenario captures the sense that every part of this real life theatrical shit show is manufactured or incentivized to go in the worst possible direction. The most obvious solution is not to fight either side..perhaps doing our best to let the mind controlled statists kill each other off and rebuild things in the wake of the depop and infrastructure collapse. Doing so in a more conscious and voluntary framework. Of course, this is easy to say and not so easy to keep out of the fray. In my view, statists of any color are the enemy. Sadly, they view people who wish to live a voluntaryist life as equally a threat to their delusional mind controlled notion that order is achieved through law and government violence. The war is, spiritual, yes but secondarily in the mind space. The globalist cabal has been dominating the mind war far longer than we have been conscious of it..which now brings us to the brink of widespread physical battle and chaos. I imagine they will be laughing their asses off while people slaughter each other. The plebes never stopping to think they would be better off cooperating and collaborating for a stable and peaceful future. Try to explain this to a mind controlled sheep and they will bleat democracy, constitution, or socialist propaganda from their feces infested programming. Maybe the only winner in this scenario is mother earth..as a massive collapse will give her some respite to recover and rewild...not the way the WEF'ers want it..but a chance to recover from the constant poisoning driven by the very globalist WEF'er type bloodline crowd which pushed technocracy, war and environmental pillaging to begin with. Edit: The US, IMO was never separate from the British Crown and so it seems fitting for it to break up into territories reflecting the will and preferences of it's people. Never again to be controlled by the Crown or any other psychopathic forces that have run the show thus far. Decentralization and morality are what will support any society to succeed in the aftermath. We may not be able to achieve the end of evil but at least we maybe could see the end of centralized government.

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Well said

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