If you’ve been here for a while, you know that Microwave Radiation is a topic I discuss quite regularly. Here I will discuss the addiction that has formed to all of these devices that emit man-made microwave radiation, and some purposes and uses of MR.
Well. We seem to have come into the new age alright. But it isn’t the Age of Aquarius, but the Age of Technocracy. The Water Bearer has been slain by the Borg. The children are now replication units, and there is no Man, no woman, simply It, reminiscent of the It that drained life from victims by appearing as their greatest horror. Now humanity is It. Demonic, drained of life, and pumped into mechanical bodies and objects. Human no longer, the camera phone replaces the eyes, the television and radio the mouth, and the autonomous driving vehicle the body. You own nothing and are happy, because your credit card kept increasing as you diligently did what you were told. You now have it all. Even your refrigerator is Smart, but nobody can tell you why.
If this is the world you wish to live in… by all means, go right on ahead forging this dystopia for yourself. But stay well clear of me Borg. I intend to remain a natural being. Human. Alive. Biologically pure.
Keep your vaccines to yourself. And stay away with your Smart shit.
Your obsession with Microwave Radiation is not mine. Your obsession with hatred for that which is natural and pure is not mine.
I am Man.
Addiction is most often referred to in reference to drugs. The greatest drug is the chemicals released in the brain whenever stimulus is attended to. Ignore stimulus, habit and addiction do not form. Simply, ignore your devices for extended periods of time and engage in the fullness of life. Only do what is necessary on your devices when it is necessary. Bring about a natural pattern. Become addicted to nature if you must have any addiction. Rediscover yourself in a grove by a creak that hasn’t been polluted yet with Atrazine and Fluoride. Meditate rather than sell your soul to your phone.
Devices emitting MR:
Cellular telephone, Microwave oven, Police radar, Weather doppler, Baby Monitors, Cellular Towers, Smart Meters (1) (2), Smart Devices of all kinds, WIFI emitting devices, Bluetooth emitting devices, Tomahawk and Hellfire Missiles, Autonomous Vehicles, Surveillance equipment, High Power Microwave Weapons (1) (2) (3) (4),
Some Purposes and Uses of MR:
Security systems, Air traffic control, Nuclear magnetic resonance, Medical Blood warmers, point-to-point communication links, wireless networks, microwave radio relay networks, radar, satellite and spacecraft communication, medical diathermy and cancer treatment, remote sensing, radio astronomy, particle accelerators, spectroscopy, industrial heating, sonography, collision avoidance systems, garage door openers and keyless entry system, broadcasting, telecommunications, navigation.
Here’s a decent chart on uses of MR at different frequencies:
Here is a Reminder:
Shown below are a few articles on microwave radiation made by other creators here on substack. More people are becoming aware of the obscure potential dangers, but not enough people have a real understanding of what microwave radiation is doing to biological life and how to mitigate the harm and fight against the most pervasive environmentally deployed toxic agent in the world.
Read up:
Here’s a Bunch of Content that you can peruse at your leisure":
It’s time to fight back against this nonsense. Its time to demand our rights, claim our inheritance, and secure our species future from technocratic tyranny.
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Other great resources that I have found;
The EM Radiation Research Trust is an independent body. The aim of the organisation is to provide the facts about electro-magnetic radiation and our health to the public and the media. https://www.radiationresearch.org/
Radiation Health London – September 2019
Say no to ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection)
On 30 January 2019, an Italian Court in the city of Monza, Italy ruled that the Acoustic Neuroma brain tumour of an airport employee was caused by exposure to the radiation from a cell phone he used for over 10 years for his work.
And for people like him, who suffer from "electromagnetic hypersensitivity", the new technology will be devastating, he said.
The condition is not recognised as a medical disorder in most countries, but sufferers insist that exposure to mobile phones, Wi-fi routers, televisions and other gadgets cause them anything from mild discomfort to life-ruining disability.
- 18 September 2019 - news@thelocal.ch@thelocalswitzer
5G: Great risk for EU, U.S., and International Health! Compelling Evidence for Eight Distinct Types of Great Harm Caused by Electromagnetic Field (EMF) Exposures and the Mechanism that Causes Them.
Written and Compiled by Martin L. Pall, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University
Research has shown that wireless radiation can cause DNA damage, neuropsychiatric effects, and other health problems. RT America’s Michele Greenstein joins Rick Sanchez to discuss.
A Silicon-valley engineer turned technology health advocate, Jeromy Johnson discusses our attachment to technology and the health hazards such an addiction may hold. https://youtu.be/F0NEaPTu9oI
Well documented, links appreciated, thank you for your effort.
Get free, stay safe.